Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 3:37 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

What could be better than a cop movie that offers a bunch of A-List actors and the age-old story of good brother versus bad brother set within a family of cops type of environment?

We Own The Night appeared to be that type of film; the kind you would compare any future family-cop-drama to. The question is whether or not it could live up to the hype and lofty expectations.

Here's the trailer:


What do Mark Wahlberg, Robert Duvall, Joaquin Phoenix, and Eva Mendes have in common? They're all great actors in just a so-so movie.

Chalk this one up as nother movie that disappointed me. I must say that Hollywood is getting great at delivering a drop-dead awesome movie trailer. Unfortunately, the main feature never quite seems to measure up to that standard. It's a roller coaster, mainly because a good scene is typically followed by a bad one.

To sum it up, this film has bland characters, clichéd dialogue and rickety plotting and that ensures that We Own The Night never lives up to its potential. It was terribly written and just such a waste of great actors.

It's also worth mentioning that on my notes I wrote, "JP: Should get the 'Best Mumbler' Oscar" so that just added to my frustration with this one.

Although We Own the Night is never as suspenseful as it wants to be and can be a little formulaic, it never comes close to being boring, and that's something you can't say too often about movies these days.

So, for that very reason alone I'll still give it a 2.25 out of 5
Ben & Jerry's.