Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 4:56 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Finally, I get to see a movie starring Hayden Christensen that doesn't involve Sith Lords, the Jedi, or the Force.

In all seriousness, I've seen him in other non-Star Wars related roles and he's actually a pretty good actor. Wifey was very eager to see him along with a recognizable cast in the film Awake while I was just sort of ho-hum about the whole thing.

Awake has an interesting premise and it's an unsettling thriller that highlights a deeply troubling medical problem. "Anesthetic awareness" is a rare but dangerously prevalent condition that affects nearly 30,000 individuals a year, in which patients who have been put under anesthesia before surgery remain paralyzed while still being aware of their present situation.

Here's the trailer:


Finally! A movie that didn't stink or feel like a complete waste of time! Ironically, this was a movie that didn't really get me all fired up from the movie trailers.

Then again, it's outlandish, preposterous, contrived, and an implausible thriller which happens to be fun if you ignore the fact that it's outlandish, preposterous, contrived and implausible.

So, what's the deal then? Why did I like this and come away happy about the movie date? Perhaps is was merely due to the simple fact that it was an ORIGINAL CONCEPT and, yes, there were a volley of plot twists that'll have you slapping your head in disbelief, but I didn't see many of them coming and I didn't think they were too far-fetched.

I also thought the film had a nice pace to it. When we reached the end of the story I looked at Wifey and said, "Wow! That was surprisingly pretty entertaining and good! It wasn't too long either."

Awake feels like an Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode unfolding in slow motion, with each new revelation only coming a reel or two after viewers have guessed it. Crazy, but fun!

I give it 2.75 Ben & Jerry's out of 5.