Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 1:21 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

What is it about chick flicks that will either make a man roll his eyes in pure disgust or have his eyes well up before he sobs like a little baby?

Our next movie date was August Rush and I have to admit that I was caught completely off guard by the little bit of water that mysteriously appeared in my eyes by the end of the movie. What was it? Where did it come from? Why was it there?

For the answers to these burning (embarrassing?) questions let's review the film.

Here's the trailer:


I can't seem to find where I put Wifey's review so I'll just tell you that she really loved this one and gave it a 4.


Ok, so any movie that boasts the star of Felicity and another from Lord of the Rings definitely has my attention from the beginning. Then, once you throw in a sweet little boy who reminded me of my own son a few years from now I was hooked!

Maybe it was something I ate that night or maybe it was something in the air, but whatever it was I was experiencing it in the form of strong emotions throughout this one.

I'll start by stating that I'm liking the trend in Hollywood (if 2 recent and popular movies classifies as a "trend") where every unwanted or unexpected pregnancy doesn't have to end in abortion. It may be a small victory, but it's a victory nonetheless.

In this film the Keri Russell character has a one-night stand, which is completely uncharacteristic of her. She gets pregnant and things happen. I don't want to give anything away here, but the final scene is pretty powerful!

The additional sub-plots of this movie have to do with greed and how other people (especially those you think are closest to you) can and will use you for their own benefit if they think they can. It's a sad, but realistic portrayal of life in the 21st century.

I gave this one 2.75 Ben & Jerry's out of 5 making the OMD Rating a respectable 3.375 total.