Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 2:34 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

I was happy that we were going to switch gears for the next few movie dates. The chick-flick was wearing on my senses and emotional well-being and it was time to return to my manly roots.

How do you do that? Simple. Just watch movies that have a lot of action and explosions and throw in some good guys and bad guys. Do that and I'm a happy camper.

First in this next wave of manly movies for date night was the film Michael Clayton starring George Clooney.

Here's the trailer:


I really enjoyed this one. Michael Clayton is one of the most sharply scripted films of 2007, with an engrossing premise and faultless acting. Director Tony Gilroy succeeds not only in capturing the audience's attention, but holding it until the credits roll.

It was works as a smart and sophisticated thriller. Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is what is known in the legal world as a "fixer," or in the character's own pejorative version, a "janitor" who cleans up legal messes for VIPs and corporations on behalf of a prestigious New York City law firm. The story is about what happens when he is perceived to be a "mess" that needs to be "cleaned up" quickly.

The best part comes in the form of the wonderfully satisfying climax in the hotel lobby. Just wait and see! I also enjoyed how Gilroy uses visual elements to fit the overall theme like the motif of Clooney going down on the escalator at the end.

As another critic wrote, "With his chiseled good looks, dashing charm, and proven acting chops, George Clooney is the closest thing Hollywood has at the moment to an old-fashioned glamorous movie star. He's today's Cary Grant." I agree as this was one of his best performances and he already has his Oscar. This is a movie one can enjoy as much or more for its acting as for its plot.

I gave it a 4 out of 5
Ben & Jerry's.