Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 4:20 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ah, Ben Stiller. There are probably only three comedic actors who I would go see at the theater no matter what kind of role they were starring in - Jim Carey, Will Ferrell, and the aforementioned Mr. Ben Stiller.

It's been awhile since one of our movie dates gave us the chance to laugh out loud and just relax. Up until we watched The Heartbreak Kid we were working on a steady diet of chick-flicks and manly-movies.

The Farrelly Brothers add their trademark bounty of bodily functions to this remake of Elaine May's 1972 comedy.

Here's the trailer:


Aren't there any good movies being made anymore? What is this world coming to when a guy like Ben Stiller can't even deliver the laughs in a comedy?

Maybe it's just me, but this was another bust of a flick. The previews included everything that was hilarious about this one and that makes sitting through the rest of the film torturous.

Despite some amiable performances, The Heartbreak Kid is neither as daring nor as funny as the Farrelly Brothers' earlier films.

Most jokes land with a thud - particularly the gross-out gags, which nearly 10 years after Mary now just feel played out.

If The Heartbreak Kid doesn't go totally wrong, its big problem is that it doesn't really go anywhere. It just sort of lies there.

If you watch this film, don’t expect much and you may not be too disappointed. Now there’s a ringing endorsement for ya!

I give it 1 Ben & Jerry's out of 5.