REVIEW: Blood Diamond

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 3:56 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

This movie actually sat on our DVR for a long time before we finally got around to watching it. In fact, we recorded it months ago and it was only after my cousin piqued my interest when he soberly said that it was a powerful film. That got my attention.

Watch Trailer.


This movie was an eye opener. If you plan on buying a diamond any time soon watch this movie and you won’t want to get one! I thought this movie was well written and I was so shocked on how they brainwash these innocent kids into killing people.

Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) played a very powerful role as well as Salomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) who team up together to try and get the biggest diamond ever found so they can sell it and make a ton of money.

It starts with one of the main characters and his family in a small village doing nothing wrong and out of nowhere they get ambushed by some terrorists and they start shooting men, women, and children (this was a very graphic movie). After taking all the men that would be good diamond finders they take them to a river and start looking for these priceless diamonds. If you're caught stealing any diamonds and get caught they kill will kill you. The kids were taken and forced into being terrorist in the militia.

I guess this movie really moved me seeing I’m a mom and I wouldn’t know what to do if they took my children and brainwashed them into killing people for no reason at all. Danny Archer starts out being kind of a bad person and only thinking about himself, but then turns around and becomes this very passionate man, wanting to help out Salomon and his family, only to result in a very sad ending.

I really enjoyed watching this movie and would recommend this to everyone.

4 out of 5 Ben & Jerry’s for me.


Our Anniversary is coming up and Wifey’s been bugging me for a new wedding band to match the one she already has. This is the type of movie that should keep her off my back for a bit.

We are given a glimpse of the ruthless African Diamond Trade Industry and it’s not pretty at all.

The first 10 minutes of this film will leave you absolutely speechless for it’s mind-numbing content. It’s easily one of the most disturbing works I’ve seen especially in the past year.

An excellent cast got to work with an equally excellent script for a completely unique and original story. It’s original, smart, relevant, emotionally gut-wrenching, important, and provides a social commentary without being too preachy.

However, at one point (after the film of course given the topic) I found myself almost laughing when I wondered to myself if Hollywood was trying to send the message that fits the current lifestyle of many of its inhabitants - - “Don’t get married, and, if you do, don’t do it traditionally by buying a diamond ring!” Sad, but I wouldn’t put it past them being as agenda driven as they are.

There was one line by Leonardo DiCaprio’s character that sums things up quite nicely, “In America it’s bling-bling, but here it’s bling-bang.”

Plus, I can’t remember the last time that Wifey and I watched a movie together at home without much talking between us (perhaps it was World Trade Center).

So, despite the depressing nature of this film this is exactly the type of creativity that Hollywood needs to tap into - - strong story, strong characters, strong moral message.

How did this movie not get nominated for (and win) Best Picture in 2006? It did get 5 nominations that year, but sadly failed to win a single statue.

I give it 4.5 Ben & Jerry’s, which means we have a high OMD Rating here of 4.25 Ben & Jerry's.


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