Are you noticing a trend here? It's been several weeks (and reviews) since we last watched a movie that came from the AFI Top 100 list (the reason for doing this in the first place!). At this pace, we'll probably be here until Luke and Amelia graduate from High School.
The next movie up was Spider-Man 3 or the final movie in the big screen adaptation of the classic Marvel comic book series.
Watch Trailer.
The next movie up was Spider-Man 3 or the final movie in the big screen adaptation of the classic Marvel comic book series.
Watch Trailer.
Ok, if you haven’t seen the first 2 movies and you want to then don’t read this review. If you know you’re not going to see the first 2 movies then read away!
This movie introduces a lot of new characters like an Ex-Convict, a black crawly thing named Venom, some big Green Guy, and Sandman! This sequel is a lot more of a love story than an action-packed one that we are used to.
This movie introduces a lot of new characters like an Ex-Convict, a black crawly thing named Venom, some big Green Guy, and Sandman! This sequel is a lot more of a love story than an action-packed one that we are used to.
Poor Spiderman gets his ass kicked a lot right from the beginning.
The first 50 minutes, holy cow, so slow I thought I was going to fall asleep and not because it was way past 11pm. Ok, so at one point during this flick the Sandman was beating the crap out of everyone. If only they were thinking they would have just poured water on him to make him turn to mud!
The special effects were amazing as everything was thought out in such detail. The Sandman was the best! Well, in the end it was an ok ending, but I would have plotted it out a little better to get the audience more excited.
The first 50 minutes, holy cow, so slow I thought I was going to fall asleep and not because it was way past 11pm. Ok, so at one point during this flick the Sandman was beating the crap out of everyone. If only they were thinking they would have just poured water on him to make him turn to mud!
The special effects were amazing as everything was thought out in such detail. The Sandman was the best! Well, in the end it was an ok ending, but I would have plotted it out a little better to get the audience more excited.
I also came to the conclusion that Mary Jane played by Kirsten Dunst is a very needy girl. If I was Spiderman I would have ditched her along time ago.
I did enjoy how the two joined and became friends again to help defeat the bad guys in the end.
Oh yeah, and I felt really bad for Sandman because all he wanted to do the whole movie was to help his little girl get better.
Anyway, I think I would only rate this movie a 2.5 out of 5 Ben & Jerry’s.
I'm a nerd who used to collect comics throughout High School so I love it anytime Hollywood tries to put my favorite superhero characters up on the big screen.
Plus, the first two Spidey flicks were great so I was pretty charged up for this one.
Unfortunately, this is one movie I'd like to forget. That shouldn't be too hard because it was so lackluster that I barely remember anything about it! Luckily, I took some notes while watching it.
There's a very slow set-up to this film. I'm all for character-driven dramas, but we already knew the back-story from the previous two editions. Besides, I'm a big believer that if you want to show a person's character put them in situations that will get them to demonstrate who they are instead of telling us outright through the words of other characters what that person's been acting like lately. Boring.
Once it did get going the action scenes were just as good as those in the previous versions.
I also love that the Sandman character was played by a former Wings character. Stan Lee makes his usual cameo (he's the guy who created Marvel Comics).
Some very good fight scenes between Spidey, Venom and Sandman. All in all, not as good as the first two.
I give it a 2 out of a 5 (and only because it is the last film in the trilogy, which wraps up the storyline).
That means the OMD Rating for this one is 2.25 Ben & Jerry's.
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