Wow this one was a hard one to watch seeing it was a documentary. It was cute, but how much penguins can you stand to watch?
I really liked the fact that you got to see what they go through during the really harsh weather. Seeing the father take care of the little egg was so cute, but it was so sad to see that a lot of the babies didn’t make it, but watching the transfer go between the mom and the dad with the egg was very intriguing.
Another thing that amazed me was how many days penguins go without eating, and then when they do eat they then come back to the pack and regurgitate their food to give to the mother or the babies.
I wouldn’t want to be one of those filmers seeing how cold it was in the artic. Well, there’s really not much more to say about this film.
I would rate this one 3 out of 5 Ben & Jerry’s.
Quite possibly the shortest review on this site to date by Wifey! I think she was really caught off guard when she heard I was writing a review about this one. I mean, we didn't rent the thing or even plan to watch it. Actually, the kids were being crazy one afternoon and the "cute lil pengins" were on TV so we watched it to keep them quiet!
Best line in Wifey's review? "I really liked the fact that you got to see what they went through DURING THE REALLY HARSH WINTER."
Man, what a heartless woman! These poor little birdies already can't fly, they can only walk for so many miles forcing them to slide on their bellies, they don't eat for months, they lose their unborn babies to the ice and wind (and sometimes crazy mommy penguins who want more babies for themselves) and what does she say except that she enjoys watching these creatures suffer.
Trust me, it was fascinating to see how much these penguins are like humans in the way they bond with one another, put their family first and work together for the greater good.
Besides, any animal that can withstand freezing temps as low as -100+ degrees is worthy of my praise. Keep on rockin' in your little tuxedos my feathered friends.
As documentaries go, I give this one a 3 out of 5 Ben & Jerry's. That gives us an OMD Rating of 3 Ben & Jerry's.
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