Sci-Fly Superfly

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 1:23 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Entertainment Weekly decided they had nothing better to do then to put out their list of the "Sci-Fi's Top 25 Movies and TV of the Past 25 Years."

At first, I was a little skeptical because these types of lists tend to be boring, lazy and put together with very little thought and/or energy.

In other words, kinda like this blog!

I was a little shocked that EW decided to select and rank the best Sci-Fi Movie and/or TV moments from the past 25 years - - period - - instead of selecting one from each of the last 25 years. Even so, they made up for it by including a "Pop Culture Legacy" and the "Best Bit" feature for each selection.

Here's a quick rundown of their selections (how they ranked them is enclosed in parantheses)...

V: The Miniseries (#25)
Galaxy Guest (#24)
Doctor Who (#23)
Quantum Leap (#22)
Futurama (#21)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (#20)
Starship Troopers (#19)
Heroes (#18)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#17)
Total Recall (#16)
Firefly/Serenity (#15)
Children of Men (#14)
The Terminator/Terminator 2 (#13)
Back to the Future (#12)
Lost (#11)
The Thing (#10)
Aliens (#9)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (#8)
E.T. (#7)
Brazil (#6)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (#5)
The X-Files (#4)
Blade Runner (#3)
Battlestar Galactica (#2)
The Matrix (#1)

While I agree with most of their selections (despite the fact that they left quite a few BIG ONES off their list), I have to say that I'm a little surprised that The Matrix was selected as EW's top choice for best Sci-Fi Movie/TV Show in the last 25 years.

Groundbreaking special effects? No doubt (those slow-motion bullet scenes are amazing!), but the thematic elements and social questions raised by this trilogy was hardly anything new.

My vote would've been for a film like Gattaca (with Minority Report a close second), which SHOCKINGLY was left off of this list despite its relevance to many social and scientific issues we're facing today. Plus, the special effects could hold their own too.

Check it out and decide for yourself.
