Two movies in a row with Arrested Development alums. This time it's the "George Michael" character (Michael Cera) who is one of the stars.
Don't expect much from us here at OMD because there's not too much to say about this one. Wifey hit the nail on the head when she asked, "How do you even wite a review on this one?"
Exactly. Watch Trailer.
Ok we started this movie at 9:15pm and boy was I in for a rude awakening for this movie!
This is why...
Well, let’s just put it to you this way - - the title says it all SUPERBAD! This movie was super bad in many ways. It was nothing but a sex/cursing movie. Every other word was F*** this, F*** her WOW!!!
So, how do you write a review on this type of movie? I’m not a prude person one bit, but this movie was hard to watch even in front of my husband!
Well the plot of this movie kind of goes like this. Two boys Seth and Evan want to have sex before they go to college. They want to hook-up with some chicks at a party, but needless to say they aren’t the most popular boys in high school.
Seth (Michael Cera) wants to “be” with his crush and Evan (Jonah Hill) wants to be with whomever. They have to go as far as using “McLovin’s” fake ID to purchase alcohol to impress these girls at the party, but boy do they have some obstacles to go through!
Sorry I just don’t have much to say on this one!
I rate this one 1.5 Ben & Jerry’s
Yeah, Wifey said all there is to say about this one. Your classic "coming-of-age" movie that was kinda like a Porky's for 2008.
After the first few minutes of the movie I decided to do my own scientific experiment. What was it you ask? Well, let's just say I was counting the number of times I heard this movie's favorite four letter word. If nothing else it helped me get through a movie with a plot and story that I've seen a million times before.
Simply put, I decided to count the number of F-Bombs in the film!
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't ready for the challenge. It's amazing to me that some Hollywood writer made a few hundred-thousand dollars for his/her screenplay.
Maybe while they're on strike these writers can think of some better plots, characters and dialogue.
The final tally? 152 (+/- 10 I figure is the margin of error here) a 112 minute film! That's more than 1 per minute! One word: WOW!!!
Also, on a side note, not to be too crass or vulgar, but at one point Lindsay stopped me to ask, "What's a Hymen?"
Yeah, that should give you a good enough idea of what this one was like.
1 Ben & Jerry's out of 5 making our OMD Rating 1.25 Ben & Jerry's.
Don't expect much from us here at OMD because there's not too much to say about this one. Wifey hit the nail on the head when she asked, "How do you even wite a review on this one?"
Exactly. Watch Trailer.
Ok we started this movie at 9:15pm and boy was I in for a rude awakening for this movie!
This is why...
Well, let’s just put it to you this way - - the title says it all SUPERBAD! This movie was super bad in many ways. It was nothing but a sex/cursing movie. Every other word was F*** this, F*** her WOW!!!
So, how do you write a review on this type of movie? I’m not a prude person one bit, but this movie was hard to watch even in front of my husband!
Well the plot of this movie kind of goes like this. Two boys Seth and Evan want to have sex before they go to college. They want to hook-up with some chicks at a party, but needless to say they aren’t the most popular boys in high school.
Seth (Michael Cera) wants to “be” with his crush and Evan (Jonah Hill) wants to be with whomever. They have to go as far as using “McLovin’s” fake ID to purchase alcohol to impress these girls at the party, but boy do they have some obstacles to go through!
Sorry I just don’t have much to say on this one!
I rate this one 1.5 Ben & Jerry’s
Yeah, Wifey said all there is to say about this one. Your classic "coming-of-age" movie that was kinda like a Porky's for 2008.
After the first few minutes of the movie I decided to do my own scientific experiment. What was it you ask? Well, let's just say I was counting the number of times I heard this movie's favorite four letter word. If nothing else it helped me get through a movie with a plot and story that I've seen a million times before.
Simply put, I decided to count the number of F-Bombs in the film!
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't ready for the challenge. It's amazing to me that some Hollywood writer made a few hundred-thousand dollars for his/her screenplay.
Maybe while they're on strike these writers can think of some better plots, characters and dialogue.
The final tally? 152 (+/- 10 I figure is the margin of error here) a 112 minute film! That's more than 1 per minute! One word: WOW!!!
Also, on a side note, not to be too crass or vulgar, but at one point Lindsay stopped me to ask, "What's a Hymen?"
Yeah, that should give you a good enough idea of what this one was like.
1 Ben & Jerry's out of 5 making our OMD Rating 1.25 Ben & Jerry's.
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