Sunday, January 27, 2008
Labels: Concessions Stand
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Don't expect much from us here at OMD because there's not too much to say about this one. Wifey hit the nail on the head when she asked, "How do you even wite a review on this one?"
Exactly. Watch Trailer.
Ok we started this movie at 9:15pm and boy was I in for a rude awakening for this movie!
This is why...
Well, let’s just put it to you this way - - the title says it all SUPERBAD! This movie was super bad in many ways. It was nothing but a sex/cursing movie. Every other word was F*** this, F*** her WOW!!!
So, how do you write a review on this type of movie? I’m not a prude person one bit, but this movie was hard to watch even in front of my husband!
Well the plot of this movie kind of goes like this. Two boys Seth and Evan want to have sex before they go to college. They want to hook-up with some chicks at a party, but needless to say they aren’t the most popular boys in high school.
Seth (Michael Cera) wants to “be” with his crush and Evan (Jonah Hill) wants to be with whomever. They have to go as far as using “McLovin’s” fake ID to purchase alcohol to impress these girls at the party, but boy do they have some obstacles to go through!
Sorry I just don’t have much to say on this one!
I rate this one 1.5 Ben & Jerry’s
Yeah, Wifey said all there is to say about this one. Your classic "coming-of-age" movie that was kinda like a Porky's for 2008.
After the first few minutes of the movie I decided to do my own scientific experiment. What was it you ask? Well, let's just say I was counting the number of times I heard this movie's favorite four letter word. If nothing else it helped me get through a movie with a plot and story that I've seen a million times before.
Simply put, I decided to count the number of F-Bombs in the film!
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't ready for the challenge. It's amazing to me that some Hollywood writer made a few hundred-thousand dollars for his/her screenplay.
Maybe while they're on strike these writers can think of some better plots, characters and dialogue.
The final tally? 152 (+/- 10 I figure is the margin of error here) a 112 minute film! That's more than 1 per minute! One word: WOW!!!
Also, on a side note, not to be too crass or vulgar, but at one point Lindsay stopped me to ask, "What's a Hymen?"
Yeah, that should give you a good enough idea of what this one was like.
1 Ben & Jerry's out of 5 making our OMD Rating 1.25 Ben & Jerry's.
Labels: Now Playing
It's also the first of 4 movies we've watched in the past week! Yes, that's right, that wasn't a typo - - 4 movies in 1 week! We're rocking and rolling now. When we finally get all 4 reviews written and posted? Well, that remains to be seen.
Next up for us was the comedy The Ex. Watch Trailer.
Now this is going to be fun since we're now reviewing EVERY MOVIE we watch! So, sit back and enjoy all up-to-date movies as well as the classics.
We started the movie at 9:15pm.
I was surprised that Jeff would sit through this whole movie seeing how much of a chick flick this one was. The first 20 minutes was about a wife having a baby. Oh, and by the way, for all you Arrested Development fans out there this movie is for you!
“Michael” is in this one. Ok, so after she pushed out this baby that’s where the laughs began! Oh yeah, by the way, finally a cute movie baby for once. "Oliver" is his name and being cute is his game.
Everyone who works for family knows that’s a BIG MISTAKE - - you just don't do it. Well, for the main character he doesn’t know that quite yet, but boy does he learn really fast.
"Chip" (Jason Bateman) who is disabled is a real jerk and he takes this to his advantage and makes "Tom" (Zack Braff) look like an idiot in front of his father-in-law (Charles Grodin) and even his wife "Sofia" (Amanda Peet).
Sofia (who was a lawyer before she had the baby) now has to adjust to being a stay-at-home-mom and her husband is worried that he won’t be able to support his family.
Chip was in love with Sofia and tries so hard to get back with her by making Tom look like a jealous husband. So very funny, but boy does it end bad for Chip!
Great Movie. I give it 4.5 Ben & Jerry's.
I too am a big fan of Arrested Development and especially Jason Bateman and Michael Cera. Bateman's comedic timing is textbook it seems.
At first, I was a little fired up because we did not have out usual chips-n-cheese movie snack because Lindsay was sick. I was stuck with several Slim Jims instead. Not a bad snack, just not what I've grown used to during our movie dates.
One of the previews we saw was for Dead Or Alive, which is based off of the popular video game series.
Note to Hollywood: Movies based on video games NEVER work. See Double Dragon and Mortal Kombat if you don't believe me. However, video games that are created to promote movies ALWAYS work. See Shrek, which was one of the very first games for the original XBOX.
Wifey was right to say that the first 30-45 minutes or so made this definitely feel like a chick flick. Also, why do I want to spend my free time (when the kids are sleeping) watching other people try to take care of their own kids? I want to escape for a couple of hours when I watch a movie. Is that so wrong?
Ok, the real reason I don't like these types of movies is because it makes Wifey wonder if she'd like to have another little Radt tot. Great.
I really don't have too much to say about this one. I mean, I was entertained and laughed out loud a few times (see the "I'm Upset That..." game that the couple plays!), but what do you say about a movie like this that hasn't been said already?
I guess I would say that if you like comedies about how couples deal with past relationships (i.e. how they try to deal with the paranoia and jealousy) then this is a very good movie.
To me, the casting was exceptional as the threesome of Zack Braff, Amanda Peet and Jason Bateman were fantastic.
I'll give it 2.5 Ben & Jerry's out of 5, which means this movie gets an OMD rating of 3.5 Ben & Jerry's Ice Creams.
Labels: Now Playing
At first, I was a little skeptical because these types of lists tend to be boring, lazy and put together with very little thought and/or energy.
In other words, kinda like this blog!
I was a little shocked that EW decided to select and rank the best Sci-Fi Movie and/or TV moments from the past 25 years - - period - - instead of selecting one from each of the last 25 years. Even so, they made up for it by including a "Pop Culture Legacy" and the "Best Bit" feature for each selection.
Here's a quick rundown of their selections (how they ranked them is enclosed in parantheses)...
V: The Miniseries (#25)
Galaxy Guest (#24)
Doctor Who (#23)
Quantum Leap (#22)
Futurama (#21)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (#20)
Starship Troopers (#19)
Heroes (#18)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#17)
Total Recall (#16)
Firefly/Serenity (#15)
Children of Men (#14)
The Terminator/Terminator 2 (#13)
Back to the Future (#12)
Lost (#11)
The Thing (#10)
Aliens (#9)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (#8)
E.T. (#7)
Brazil (#6)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (#5)
The X-Files (#4)
Blade Runner (#3)
Battlestar Galactica (#2)
The Matrix (#1)
While I agree with most of their selections (despite the fact that they left quite a few BIG ONES off their list), I have to say that I'm a little surprised that The Matrix was selected as EW's top choice for best Sci-Fi Movie/TV Show in the last 25 years.
Groundbreaking special effects? No doubt (those slow-motion bullet scenes are amazing!), but the thematic elements and social questions raised by this trilogy was hardly anything new.
My vote would've been for a film like Gattaca (with Minority Report a close second), which SHOCKINGLY was left off of this list despite its relevance to many social and scientific issues we're facing today. Plus, the special effects could hold their own too.
Check it out and decide for yourself.
Labels: On A Side Note
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. " Ben Franklin
Labels: On A Side Note
Almost everyone in the United States watches TV. However, many people don't know about the impending TV blackout.
In a throwback to the Y2K transition, a number of Web sites are running countdown clocks that, presently, read "426 days, 8 hours, 39 minutes, 31 seconds." That is the time remaining until Feb. 17, 2009, the deadline set by Congress when all US broadcasters must cease analog broadcasting and switch to all-digital signals.
As this date approaches, interested parties are ratcheting up the debate over a number of important questions, including:
How prepared are the government and the broadcast industry for the changeover?
How aware is the public of the transition?
Who is most likely to be affected by the change?
What technical issues need to be resolved before the transition happens?
You can read more about this issue at eMarketer.
Personally, I think the most important question is what Movie Blog will capture the attention of the American Public because, let's face it, when the TV screens go dark in 2009 the only choice we'll have to be entertained by the boob tube is to pop in a DVD and watch movies. Forget about video games, the Wii and XBOX 360!
Bad for Television, but GREAT for sites like Our Movie Date!
Hopefully, OMD can keep this in mind from this point moving forward so we can post regularly and build a steady following leading up to this fateful year.
Who knows, in another year DVD's may become obsolete and everyone will be participating in Virtual Reality ala the Star Trek Holodeck.
Until then, we encourage you to visit this site often and tell your family and friends about us.
If, by some chance, Television and Movies go the way of the dinosaur we might just have to start a new blog - - one about books perhaps!
Could you imagine the length of time between posts on that site? CRIPES! Let's hope it doesn't come to that any time soon.
Labels: On A Side Note