I realize that it's been nearly 2 full months since our last post - YIKES! - and that this Hubby and Wifey have been harder to find than Waldo, but I promise that we have a good explanation.
2 Kids Under 3 + Starting Your Own Business = NO PERSONAL FREE TIME!!!
Ok, that may not be entirely true. I mean, we have actually watched several movies since our last review ("Blood Diamond") - 9 to be exact. We just haven't made the time to write about those experiences here.
Look, I hate excuses especially since we told ourselves that if we were going to do this we were going to do it at 110% (does anyone else hate that cliche like I do?) like everything else we do in life.
Besides, if you're taking the time to visit our humble little website then the least we could do is give you some new, fresh, and entertaining content to enjoy during your visits.
So, that being said, please visit often this week as we attempt to GET ALL 12 REVIEWS PUBLISHED ONLINE in an effrot to get back into a more regular pattern.
Thanks for your patience, time, and continued interest.