Brits Have It Right

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 12:21 PM

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

At least our English counterparts know horror when they see it.

Earlier today, I wrote a post about a TIME online article in which Bambi is included as one of the "Top 25 Horror Movies of All Time."

It was refreshing to read just a few hours later about a recent British poll that voted on the scariest movies of all time. Specifically, the "HMV 2007 Annual Horror Poll Top 10."

Oh yeah, missing from their list? No cartoon characters and especially not Bambi!

The Exorcist took the top spot followed by The Shining and Halloween respectively.

Nice job! Cheerio!

We're Baaaacckk!

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 11:41 AM

We thought it was fitting to make a formal announcement on Halloween that no we haven't forgotten about this project of ours.

We realize it's been a full month and a half since our last review, but things have been EXTREMELY crazy lately (here's a secret...Wifey's been a stick in the mud on this! LOL). And by "crazy" I mean to say that Wifey has been dragging her feet on wanting to watch another classic film.

That's right, I wrote it. I get the distinct feeling that she's none too thrilled about watching 73 more movies, several of which were at the theaters BEFORE she was even born. If it doesn't have color, a love story element, and a name and a face that she recognizes she doesn't want to see it!

She'll probably tell you that it's my turn to pick the next movie we watch so it's my responsibility to make things happen. Good excuse. I would respond by saying that it's kinda hard (the thrill is gone) when my partner in crime doesn't seem as excited as me about all of this. In fact, I don't even think she's read the last review posted about Taxi Driver yet.

That gives me an idea! Maybe what she needs is a movie that has more of a romantic element to it or a love interest of some kind.

Maybe we'll go with Bonnie & Clyde next. That settles it! Consider it done!

Lastly, in an effort to update this on a more regular basis (weekly is the plan) we're going to make a "rule" that every time we order 3 new movies from our Blockbuster Online account we have to make sure that at least 1 of them is from our OMD Queue.

That should speeds things up a bit.

Thank you to those of you who have patiently followed this site anxiously waiting for the next review. The wait is finally over!

Who Knew?

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 11:34 AM

Who knew that a Disney cartoon from 1942 could strike fear and horror into the hearts of men and women everywhere?

Thanks to
TIME for releasing this list of their Top 25 Horror Movies yesterday.

One entry they included on this list clearly illustrates the absurdity that can some times override our better judgment.

Surprisingly, they listed
Bambi (1942) as one of the “Top 25 Horror Movies of All Time” because the film has a “primal shock that still haunts oldsters who saw it 40, 50, 65 years ago.”

Seriously? Seriously.

That’s interesting because I’ve never heard about anyone walking into a Blockbuster Video store on Halloween night looking for Bambi.