We're Back!

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 9:18 AM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's been a long time since our last official movie-related post and I'm sure many of you thought this project was six-feet-under after only one screening.

Simply not true! As the summer winds down, things seem to be heating up since we've had family get-together after family get-together week-after-week for the last 2-3 weeks. Needless to say, it's been a little difficult finding the time to sit down and watch another movie.

However, things are returning to normal around here and Wifey has picked the next movie we'll be reviewing - - Taxi Driver.

I can't wait!

'Mo Money, No 'Mo Problems

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 9:11 AM

This is way off topic, but we just had to share because it's truly an amazing blessing and hopefully an inspiring story for others in a similar position.

At the start of the year, our goal was to eliminate as much debt as possible. We're the first to admit that for a long time - - too long - - we were VERY irresponsible with our money and the resources that the good Lord gave us. In fact, our money seemed to tell us what to do instead of the other way around.

Realistically, we knew that we couldn't eliminate all of our debt in just 1 year so we decided that if we could at least eliminate the credit card debt (spread out across 3 different credit cards!) we'd consider it a HUGE success and a good start.

I'm extremely happy to report that in just 8 months (4 months ahead of schedule!) we paid off a total of $28, 923.69!!! It was probably closing to $30K, but I couldn't find our Transaction Register for the first month after we began all this.

It definitely wasn't easy, but it was definitely worth the sacrifice. Wifey and I created a strict monthly budget, tithed weekly, fought every now and then (like I said, it wasn't easy!) and often didn't have a single dollar in our wallets to spend during the last 8 months after weekly/monthly bills were paid.

While much of the credit (no pun intended!) goes to national financial guru Dave Ramsey and his MyTotalMoneyMakeover program/advice ALL OF THE CREDIT GOES TO GOD for answering our prayers in a way we never could've imagined.

Don't be a slave to your money any longer. Enjoy the freedom of paying for things with cash instead of credit. It is possible to live debt free regardless of what this world tells you. We're living proof as we continue on a path towards financial freedom!

I Have Something To Spout About...

Posted by Hubby & Wifey at 8:55 PM

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ok, I have 2 things to "spout" about actually.

First, take a seat Blogger because that cool Spout.com widget (you know, the one where you can create a personalized movie list that scrolls from left to right to display the actual movie posters of the films we've reviewed) doesn't work properly on your site anymore and it hasn't since last week. At least people from Spout and WidgetBox got back to me in a timely manner - - twice each - - to point out that everything's ok on their end. Please exterminate any bugs so that we can get that back up on our sidebar! That was probably the coolest feature of this entire site!

Second, the silence from Wifey this week has been deafening. I wonder if having to sit through her very first black-and-white movie was enough to make her rethink this whole thing. We'll see. Perhaps she'll surprise all of us with a selection for a second movie date this weekend. Besides, it's her choice to make this time around.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.